The second graders have been doing various types of drawings and assembling a portfolio of their work. The first type of drawing the did was of a single item placed on their table, drawn using pencil. They worked on the drawing for six to seven minutes and drew four separate items during the class. We talked about texture, shape, and line, both before starting and during the drawing process.
The third drawings the second graders completed were contour line drawings of their shows. They drew this with markers and drew three different views of their shoes, spending around seven to eight minutes on each drawing. We talked about really looking at your shoe, focusing on using line to create the shapes of the shoe, and including all of the details that were on their shoe.
The fourth and final drawing in their drawing portfolio was a still-life drawing that Mr. Fisher had set-up in the room. We talked about drawing the item that was closest to you first, then the item that was next closest, and filling in the space from there. The students did two drawings using pencil, spending around fifteen minutes on each drawing, then outlining the one of their choice with black markers.
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